What is Life Expectancy? - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Metro Municipality

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What is Life Expectancy?

What is Life Expectancy?

October 25, 2024 | Other Activities

Life Expectancy (LE) is a key indicator used to assess the health quality of a population in a specific area. It represents the average number of years a person is expected to live from birth, assuming that current health conditions will persist throughout their life. The Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) includes LE as one of the primary components in calculating the Human Development Index (HDI), alongside education and economic indicators. The purpose of measuring LE is to provide a general overview of the population’s health level and the effectiveness of the healthcare system in extending life expectancy. LE also serves as a critical reference for the government in formulating policies aimed at improving access to and quality of healthcare services.

In 2023, according to BPS data, the Life Expectancy in Kota Metro reached 72.1 years. This figure reflects an improvement in the community’s health quality compared to previous years. The increase in LE highlights the success of the local government in enhancing healthcare services, including facilities, accessibility, and preventive health programs like healthy living campaigns and immunization. High LE in Kota Metro also indicates that people are increasingly enjoying longer lives with better quality, aligning with efforts to promote overall human development in the region.





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